Your city, your way!
In addition to the activities of the City of Hämeenlinna, you can also give feedback on the services of the public transportation in the Hämeenlinna region and Hämeenlinna sports halls.

The service cannot be used to cancel appointments or in matters related to the invoices of the city. You can find more detailed instructions on the tab About the service.

You can use the feedback service to send thanks, complaints and development suggestions concerning the city’s services, activities and decision-making.

All feedback helps us to improve improvement our services, and it provides information about the questions that residents most frequently ask. The feedback service is available in Finnish and in English.

When you give feedback, please describe the situation, wish or problem factually and in as much detail as possible. If you wish, you can mark the area or location related to the feedback on the map. You can also attach an image about the subject to your feedback. The maximum size of the attachment is 10 MB.

Choose the right subject for your feedback from the menu. The subject determines who responds to the feedback, which means that the processing of the feedback will go more smoothly if you only submit feedback on one subject at a time. For example, if you want to give feedback on both parking and school transport, please submit feedback separately for each subject.

Make sure that you do not give any sensitive or private information via the feedback system, such as personal identity codes or account numbers. The feedback service cannot be used to cancel appointments, submit job applications or take care of issues related to the city’s invoices.

User ID is not required to use the service or give feedback. You can create an ID for the service that makes it possible to track your feedback. Creating a user ID requires a valid email address.

Give your contact information and a valid email address in the contact information field so that you can receive a response to your feedback. If necessary, we may also ask for more information related to your feedback.

If you allow your feedback to be published, the party processing the feedback may publish it after responding. However, if the feedback contains sensitive topics, private information or inappropriate language, it will not be published. You can also prohibit the feedback from being published by unchecking the selection box “Feedback can be published”. If you uncheck the selection, your feedback will not be published. The parties processing the feedback also have the right to remove the public visibility of feedback.

Email services may interpret a response to feedback as spam. If you are expecting a response to your feedback, please also pay attention the spam folder of your email.

Submitting the feedback has been protected by the reCAPTCHA service. It prevents automatic spam from being sent. Usually the user will not even notice the service, because it runs in the background of the feedback service. However, in some cases the user may be mistaken for a bot, in which case the user needs to complete image verification before submitting feedback.

Using the service requires a browser with JavaScript activated.