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Rekisterin rekisterinpitäjä on Hämeenlinnan kaupungin kaupunkirakennelautakunta, osoite Raatihuoneenkatu 9 PL 84 13101 Hämeenlinna. Yhteyshenkilönä toimii paikkatietosuunnittelija Kari Jokela.The purpose of the register is to implement eServices. The service is used for processing applications. Messages are also sent to the users of the service concerning their case.
The processing of the data is based on the application and registration sent by the user and terms of use of the service.
The register consists of the following information:
Information varies depending on the service.
The regular data sources of the register are the data provided by the users of the online service.
The data is stored until the subject matter has been processed and the data is no longer necessary for the controller and the service.
Personal data may be disclosed to authorities and other entities defined by law to the extent permitted and required by law. Information may be disclosed to the controller's service providers, with whom it has been agreed to implement the services belonging to the controller. The publicity of information provided to the authorities is determined in accordance with statutory requirements or any special laws.
The personal data in the register is kept confidential. Only specific persons have access to the data and they are also required to sign in to the system.
Requests for the rights of data subjects must be sent to the address mentioned above. Data subjects have the following rights:
The data subject has the right to inspect the data stored in the personal data register concerning the data subject and the right to request the rectification and erasure of incorrect data.
The data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent to the processing of personal data at any time. Withdrawal of consent has no effect on the legality of data processing carried out prior to the cancellation.
The data subject has the right to object or request the restriction and transfer of the processing of his or her data.
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the EU Member State where he or she has his or her permanent place of residence or place of work, or where the alleged infringement has occurred if the data subject considers that the processing of his or her personal data infringes the EU's General Data Protection Regulation.
The service uses cookies. Cookie is a small text file that is sent to the user's computer and saved there allowing the administrator of the internet pages to identify frequent visitors on the page and to make their logging in easier, it will also allow collecting information on visitors. Using this information it is possible to continuously improve the contents of the pages. Cookies do not harm the user's computer or files. Using cookies enables to provide the information and services in accordance with the requirements of each user's individual needs.
If the user does not allow the service to collect above information using cookies, it is possible to disable cookies in most browsers.
It should, however, be noticed that cookies are required for certain maintained web sites and services to function properly.